Meeting Up With Some Park Guys and a Ride In the Forest

Monday September 16, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Park guys

I was to meet up with some park guys in the park today to discuss some road stuff on a project I’m working on. They were in the park doing some work.park1

This guy is trimming up the big log a bit. The tree fell down a few years ago.log2

They are removing the pavement on the old road that used to go through there before the tree fell down. They plan to return the area back to natural.pile3

I met the park guys and we setup another meeting tomorrow to check things out on that road I’m working on.

Flat tire repair

Back home, I was sitting in one of my chairs when Tom came by and asked for some help getting his golf cart flat tire fixed. We had a bit of trouble getting the tire off the rim, but persistence pays off. He’s trying to get the little piece of wood out of the tire that pierced the tire tube and caused it to go flat. The little piece of wood was being stubborn and didn’t want to come out.tire4

Tom worked on the little piece of wood and finally got it out. He had a new tube which we got in the tire and then we worked on getting the tire back on the rim.wood5

We have the tire back together and he’s filling it up with air.air6

Repairing tires is tricky. You don’t do it often enough to remember all the tricks on getting them apart from the last time you had to do it.


After a good break from the tire work, I got all my water jugs out of the van and dumped the water and refilled them all with fresh spring water. I’m getting ready to go on a trip soon.jugs7

My van’s water supply is all tanked up. I carry 13 gallons and try to refill the jugs from springs if I can find them while traveling.water8

Ride in the forest

A ride in the forest is good after all that work, so I took off for the hills and stopped here for a bit to check out the view of Guerneville.bike9

And then I worked my way up this road to our break area at the top of the ridge.road11

I sat around and enjoyed the view for a spell.view10

After a good break, I headed on down this road and stopped here to pull a low branch off the road that would of hit me in the head.bike12

Drink of water

I stopped here at Pot Growers Spring. The spring water has slowed down a lot, but with the cup, I’m still able to get a good drink of water. Most springs slow down some in the fall.water13

I went on home from there for another nap.

Nice day.

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