Moving Wood and Checking Out An Old Fire Trail

Thursday July 25, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Yard work

This pile of firewood needed to be moved, so I got the wheelbarrow out and loaded it up to move the wood to the new spot.wood1

I moved the wood the short distance to the new shed location.pile2

It took six loads to get the job done.woodpile3

Once the wood was moved, I put the sprinkler on the cherry trees where the wood pile was.water4

Forest work

After a break from all the wood moving, I rode on up to this spot in the forest to see if there was an old fire trail down the ridge that is in back of Hondo.hondo5

I found an old fire trail down there, but the access needed to be improved to get on it.ridge6

From there I rode around the hills a bit just enjoying the day.

Nice day.

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Shed Work and Removing a Big Tree Off a Forest Road

Wednesday July 24, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Shed work

I needed some more rock in the shed’s floor. I got three or four more loads of rock with Skiddy and put it in the shed so I can smooth out the floor.rocking1

I’ll have to use the old’ shovel to make this floor flat.rocked2

I got the floor in pretty good shape. Now I’ll put the sprinkler on it to help pack it down.floor3

Forest work

It seems like there is always a lot to do up in the forest.  My chainsaw was already loaded up in Hondo.

I stopped at this pond to get a drink of water from the spring that runs into it.pond4

From there I drove on over to this big tree that recently fell across the road.tree5


I sat down in my chair and studied the situation on how should I cut this tree down safely as it had a big stump that was up in the air on the hillside.

Frist cut

I made the first cut and the stump  moved a little and created this dust cloud. It looked more like I set off some dynamite. All that dust was a surprise. The top of the tree went on down the hill from my first cut.dust6

Second cut

Now i needed to  make another cut and the stump was still hanging up there ready to fall.stump7

The plan was to cut the log near the ground so that when the log split off, the stump wouldn’t move very much which would make the cut much safer to make.cut8

l made the second cut ok and safely.cutlog14

Third cut

The third cut brought the log to the ground and now the logs have to get moved off the road, by rolling them by hand.logs9

The logs are really larger than I can handle, but by getting them to roll down the hill, it’s doable. That last big log, I rolled down the hill which is towards the chainsaw and it took off down the hill when it rolled off the road.logs11

State park road

Once that tree was taken care of, I rode on over to this state park road to check it out as I plan to do some work on it.gate13

The park has lots of big trees that are mostly too big to deal with, so I leave them alone.road12

Big tree stump

This is what I wanted to check out. This big stump on the bottom of this big redwood tree is overhanging the road a bit. It’s been sawed off a bit with a chainsaw in the past, but there’s a narrow spot in the road here that needs to be repaired. The stump needs more of it trimmed off and then  the road bed needs some repairs to fix it up.bigtree11

I looked at the rest of the road, then headed for home.

Nice day.

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