A Ride, a Water Problem and Maybe a Fox on The Game Cams

Saturday August 12, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Ride in the forest

Barry showed up with his dirt bike so we took off for the hills for a ride in the forest.barry


We rode around all over the place .

Game cam cards

We did stop and pick up the game cam cards so I could have a look at them for pictures later.

Hill top break area

Eventually we ended up here.

Barry was in his hammock and we were shooting the  bull when his cell phone rang. ridgetop


Water trouble

It was his wife who was up in her vacation house along the coast taking it easy. But she seemed to be having a problem with the house water and the pump was running all the time.


We tried to walk her through the process to check out what was wrong, but she wasn’t a plumber and the fact that her cell phone signal wasn’t good up there, made for a confusing time of it.

Eventually, we all gave up and we took off down the hill and Barry took off for his home where he worked with her and solved the problem which turned out to be she’d turned some valve wrong that she shouldn’t have or something like that.

Sound familiar Nancy K. ? :O)

I needed a nap when I got home.

After the nap I just puttered around the yard and put some water on here and there.

Mulberry tree

I went up in the tree to eat some berries. The berries are starting to ripen up faster so there’s more to eat now. They need to be black to be ripe.mulberries


Yummy berries to eat.berries


Game cam pictures

This is a gray squirrel for sure at the upper spring.squirrel


These night time pictures are a bit hard to make out just what animal it is.

I think this a a fox as it’s low to the ground so I don’t think it’s a coyote. Certainly looks foxish to me.critter


This is from the lower spring, about a mile away from the upper spring. I think this might be the same fox or maybe another one.fox


Nice day.

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One Response to A Ride, a Water Problem and Maybe a Fox on The Game Cams

  1. Nancy K says:

    Hahahaha so at least it’s not just ME that has valve problems!
    Yes, that’s a fox. They are what grace my back yard in California all the time. Love seeing those guys. They love chicken eggs and much as you do.

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