Another Fine Day Paddling Jenner, But Too Cold to Work at Home

Thursday December 14, 2017 Jenner CA.

Repeat of yesterday

That’s pretty much what the day turned out to be.

I arrived just before noon. The guys were still working on the roads at Jenner.

I put the boat in the water at the boat ramp and headed down river towards the mouth, looking like this.river1


I went by my buddies the grebe. They seem to be getting use to me and are not taking off. They usually dive under the water and come up quite a ways away, but they didn’t to that today.grebe2


And I paddled by here looking for John. I could see him in his house, but he was busy and didn’t come out to shoot the bull.river3


River’s mouth area

I headed over to check out the river’s mouth area. I could see lots of birds over there.birds4


I paddled right into where the mouth should be, moving  slowly giving the birds a chance to move around me. They move giving me space. The ocean is fairly rough and could be heard and seen pounding the shoreline.birds5


River’s mouth is barely open

The mouth appears to be still open, but just barely. It’s high tide right now.mouth6


I got fairly close to the seals, some of them were keeping their eyes on me so I didn’t get any closer.seals7


River’s mouth is open

The river’s mouth is going out in these jetty rocks and is still open.mouth8


I was in pretty close to the harbor seals, but not close enough to spook them. Lots of seagulls too.seals9


Headed back to Penny Island

I hung around the mouth for awhile then turned and started back headed for the Penny Island back channel.

I spotted several deer on the island about six, more than are usually there. They just swim back and forth through the water to get on and off the island.deer11


Taking it easy

I took my time and worked my way up the back channel and pulled into this spot on the upper end of the island where I sat and took it easy for a bit watching things. The road guys are over there working on the new guard rails.work12


I pulled up along this grass and sat and watched.last


These buffle head ducks were feeding right in front of me. With their white heads it’s real difficult to get a good photo of them as all the white seems to wipe out a good picture as it makes the camera not focus well.buffles13


Enough for the day

I sat in the channel and finally decided I had a good paddle and that was enough for the day so I headed in to the boat ramp.

At the boat ramp there were two people putting their kayaks in the water so I shot the bull with them. They were two RVers from Maryland, a place I was stationed for awhile when I was in the army back in 1966, at Aberdeen Proving Grounds which was close to where they now lived, but they were liking it in California as it’s real cold back there right now.

I wished then a good paddle and left for home stopping at the grocery store for some eats then continued home.

Not warm enough to get any work done

I was going to work on my van crane, but even though the sun was still out, the cold  went right through me rather quickly and I retreated to the house where I turned up the heat.

I need to get that lift crane made so I can go find me a motorcycle and bring it home. I’m thinking a smaller one to haul around on the back of my van so I can explore the rougher roads in the desert. Most of the smaller roads in the desert are now overgrown with brush so it’s hard to get a larger vehicle on them. They used to drive jeeps and trucks on all these smaller roads so they kept the brush trimmed, but now a days they drive these smaller rigs on them and the brush has narrowed the roads a lot from what they were in the old days.

That was my day for a good one.

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2 Responses to Another Fine Day Paddling Jenner, But Too Cold to Work at Home

  1. Karen says:

    I have come upon your blog through another blogger.
    I took notice when I read everything you said about the food elimination plan you are following, and I felt compelled to respond.

    You are basically on the right track BUT …… If you do further research on this problem you will discover that “it’s all about lectins” which you are continuing to consume!

    Please check out a book called The Plant Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry. It was a life saver for my 42yr. old son. He had the same condition you have and he is like a new man now. We looked into this diet and new way of eating ourselves and it has made a remarkable difference in our lives too.

    Dr. Gundry also touches on seven deadly disrupters that are affecting our bodies. It is an excellent read and because someone helped us, I felt compelled to pass it on.

    • Bob says:

      Hi Karen,
      I have read some about lectins in the past, but because the corn thing is so overwhelming I’ve not been too concerned with much else. Everything seems to be a trade off, as always. I do know that cooking knocks down the lectins and pressure cooking even knocks them down more. The can of string beans used is pressure cooked so that helps. I can’t help it about the potatoes and onions. They are not corned so I must use something and I figure these items are the most useful for this despite the lectins.
      I hadn’t heard of Dr. Gunry before so went to You Tube to check him out. Looks interesting, I’ll be reviewing some more of his stuff.
      Thanks for the comment,
      Ps: I moved this comment to the proper post, How my elimination diet works.

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