Armstrong Park Kiosk Starts Rebuild After Getting Smashed By a Truck

Wednesday March 5, 2025 Guerneville CA.

New kiosk

I headed on up through the state park today to do some road work on the old road. I noticed these guys working on putting a new kiosk together. I think they were volunteers as there was a bunch of people working on it.builders1

The old kiosk got smashed when a pickup truck smashed through it early one morning about a week ago.

Forest work

I continued on up the hill to where my Skidder was parked and warmed it up and got to work. I headed up this road to get a load of rock at the rock slide area.raod2

I started laying down some rock on the old road.road3

I would dump the rock on the road and then spread it out with Skiddy, working my way up the road.rocking4

I just dumped this load and am spreading the rock out on the road.rock5

Every once and awhile, I’d have to stop and throw larger rocks off the road by hand as some rocks were too hard to break up, which makes it hard to get a smooth surface.rock6

This was the last section I rocked and spread out today.rock7

I put Skiddy away at the top and drove on back down the road, stopping here to clean up this water crossing a bit so the little bit of water crossing now, went across the road instead of down itditch8

Then I drove on down the road I just put rock on.roadrocked10

I stopped here to cut some brush back off the road.trimming11

Park kiosk progress

I went by the new kiosk they were building on the way home through the park. They got a good start on the new kiosk.kiosk

Nice day.

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