Cape Blanco State Park Is a Windy Place

Thursday July 26, 2018 Port Orford Oregon

I should of known better

I went down to the Sixes River Month again today at the Cape Blanco State Park by the Hughes House to see about kayaking. I was going to go even in the wind, but when I got there the wind was just too strong so I parked here for an hour or so by the ramp and took it easy.van


Hughes House

You could see the Hughes House across the field from me. The Hughes were the original people that lived on this ranch in the old days when people first settled in this


Real strong winds at the Cape Blanco Light House

I decided to drive the short distance to the Cape Blanco Light house where the wind is really known to blow.

Here I am looking out into the ocean. It’s fogged in here and the wind is really blowing. So hard one has to be careful opening a car door as the wind can rip it right off it’s hinges. It pulled my door right out of my hands, but didn’t break it as I tried to hold onto it.fog


Light house is in the fog

This is looking out towards the light house, but it’s hidden in the fog and I never did see it. I could hardly stand up in the wind.lighthouse


Monster coming

I heard this monster coming up the road just a roaring and bellowing. It turned out to be this dump truck once it broke through the fog and dumped a load of rock here.truck


Squeezed avocados

From there I went back to town and stopped at the grocery store to do some shopping. I watched this one lady squeeze all the avocados several times and not even buy one. Needless to say I didn’t buy any.

Garrison Lake

I drove the short distance to the Garrison Lake where I sometimes kayak and expected it to also be windy and it was so I parked here for a couple hours napping and taking it easy. I had a cup of coffee and something to eat.lake



A bit later I drove down to the Port Orford Harbor to have a look, looking south on the ocean.ocean


Unloading fish

They were unloading the fish from this boat.fishes


The fish are weighed and packed in ice for shipment to the fish processing plants somewhere else. There always seems to be a lot of character types receiving the fish and working for the fish


This truck is waiting for the days fish to all come in and he’ll be on his way to the processors.fishtruck


Around five I headed back to the Elk River RV Campground and that was pretty much my day.

Tomorrow we are supposed to get my new tires mounted on the van if all goes well so that’s what I should be doing.

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