Exploring Around the Forest Looking For Place to Get Crawdads

Tuesday September 24, 2024 Plumas National Forest CA.

While trying to post at Janesville, I couldn’t find my hotspot password or where to find it. I was about to give up when I found hold your finger on the hot spot icon at the top of the phone, so all is good.

I posted two blogs today. The one under this one is the first one. We are  moving north into Oregon now, up 395.


We put our three traps in the water last night before going to bed to see if we could catch any. We haven’t been very successful in our crawdads as we haven’t found a real good spot, although we’ve been looking for a good spot.

We checked the traps this morning and we had caught about a dozen of them. We’ll cook them up soon.dads1


We got it going around noon today and drove  off looking for a better crawdad place and to do some exploring. We saw this gate earlier so we drove over to it and went through it and down the road looking for the creek which we knew was down there somewhere.gate2

We found the creek but it didn’t look like a good crawdad area so we kept on looking.creek3

We went through this gate too, not realizing until later that we’d been through this one yesterday.gate4

We drove down a road that dead ended here, so we pulled into the shade for a much needed break.vans5

It was a nice meadow, but we couldn’t find the creek.meadow6

We stopped often to get out and have a look around and finally gave up looking around.vans

I wanted to fill up my water jugs so we made it to this spring we knew about and topped off our water supply.spring5

From there we headed back to a camp spot we call headquarters and made camp for the night.


We will be leaving this area tomorrow and heading north on Highway 395. I plan to post blogs when we get to Janesville where we can get some cell phone service.

So far my broken computer hinge is holding together, but if we get near a Costco I plan to get another one.

We had a nice day exploring around the forest.

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