Sunday September 17, 2023 Guerneville CA.
Final prep
I had some final stuff to do on the van today, to get ready to leave tomorrow on a trip.
Check the tire pressures and check the transmission oil. Check, check, all is good.
Then I just worked on getting the last of the things loaded up, check, check.
Around five, I hopped on the dirt bike and rode on over to collect the eggs at my brother’s chicken pen and then rode on up into the forest for a short ride.
I think I have everything ready to go now. I’ll be leaving some time tomorrow morning and headed northeast up towards Downieville, taking highway 49.
As always, I’ll post when I can get a cell connection.
Nice day.
May you have a nice trip and God bless you as you travel.
Have fun, and stay safe. I look forward to reading about your latest adventure.
Have a smooth and enjoyable trip. Destination? Or just off and away for a month…..Whatever, enjoy.