Hanging Out at Jenner In My Yak, a Walk and Planted Seeds In the Garden

Tuesday May 14, 2019 Jenner CA.

Kayaking at Jenner CA.

We are supposed to have some rain coming into the area tonight so I thought I better get down to Jenner for a yak while I can.

I put the boat in the water and paddled across the river and headed on up the river about a mile going by here.river2


And up along here.river3


Turned back here at Muskrat

To this spot where I stopped for a bit before heading back down the river.river4


Grazing cows

I could see a truck and some cows on the ridge across the river. The cows were grazing but I couldn’t make out what the truck was doing up there.cows


I sat for about a half hour before starting back down the river and stopped in this spot on the way.river6


As I was paddling along I noticed this bird feeding along the shoreline. It took off as I got close to it.bird


Penny island walk

I was thinking of going to Penny Island for a little walk if I could get ashore easily. I was thinking I could get out in this spot and stay out of the mud.island


I pulled into this little channel on the upper end of the island.boat


There was some gravel there where I went ashore for my walk.yak


Here’s the old milk barn on the island I walked on by. That’s a big old tree I walked under.barn


A butchering ring

I was looking around and noticed this ring hanging up in the tree just in front of the old barn. It looked like a place to hang an animal to butcher it and I bet a lot of things got butchered here over the years.anchor


Looking for wild berries

One of the reasons I wanted to walk on the island was to check out the wild berries there. I figured it was a bit early yet but if you don’t look you can miss out.

Here’s a trail I was following while looking for berries. None yet too early as I expected but it looks like there will be a good crop of them this year.trail



I did find a couple of wild plums from a tree I planted there a few years ago. They were green but still good, not sour at all. That’s the first fruit I’ve gotten off the tree so far. Looking forward to more as the tree seems to be doing well.

Paddled down along the island

After my walk on the island I got back in my boat and paddled down along it’s edge to the bottom end of the island and stopped in this spot for a bit looking down towards the river’s mouth area.spot


I could see lots of birds down that way.birds


Jenner boat ramp

I decided not to paddle down to the river’s mouth area and eventually headed back to the Jenner boat ramp for the day just up ahead.jenner


On the way in these two grebe swim by me.grebes


Nap time

That was a good yak and I headed on home for the day for a much needed nap.

Planted some stuff

After the nap it was too late in the day to do much. I did put some stuff away to be ready for the rain tomorrow. I was also able to get some garden seeds planted as the rain helps things come up fast. I planted some squash and some tomatoes and some giant pumpkin seeds I’ve had around that don’t seem to want to come up as the first ones I planted a bit ago didn’t come up.

Once chick didn’t make it

I was watching my new peeps and noticed one of them had an injury on it’s side with feathers missing and it looked like it wasn’t going to make it. It died shortly. I think this one was injured when I got it from the store. Otherwise the other chicks seem to be doing well.

That was it for me today for another nice day.

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2 Responses to Hanging Out at Jenner In My Yak, a Walk and Planted Seeds In the Garden

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    That looked like a great yak. Jenner looks like glass.
    Love the bird pictures, especially the one you didn’t name. He is pretty.
    Sorry about the peep, that’s sad but at least the others are healthy.
    you had a great day!

  2. George Yates says:

    A well deserved rest after and wonderful yak day.
    Too bad the one chick did not make it.

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