It Only Takes One Little Girl To Keep Us All Busy

Wednesday February 12, 2025 Guerneville CA.

I rode up into the state park today to locate a lady that works up there that sells beef. I ordered up one steer if she  has enough of them to be delivered in May.

Then I rode up to find some of the park guys working up in the hills. I found their trucks, but they were out working on a trail somewhere, so I left there to visit some other people that live up in the hills.

One little girl

They had this smart little girl that kept us all busy while I was there.pickles1

She showed us how she rides her scooter around the place.girl2

And played with grandpa running around the lawn. She kept me busy too jabbering away about most everything. :O)grandpa3

They gave me some fresh oranges and I took off to visit some other neighbors that live up in the hills.

I stopped on the way. Clouds from the next rain storms are starting to form up.rig4

That tallest hill peak there is our favorite break area on the neighbor’s place. Their house is down below that where I’m headed for a visit.hilltop5

I had a good visit with them and then went down to check out the old dirt road I’ve been working on to make sure it was ready for the rain storms coming in.raod6

The road looks mostly good. I did stop here to clean out this water crossing a bit.ditch7

Then I drove on over to where the bulldozer was parked and filled up it’s fuel tank, so now it’s ready to go if I need it.dozer8

From there, I rode on down to our pond to put some water lily plants in it that I got from the neighbor.pond9

And I fixed this water inlet pipe up that got knocked down when my brother rolled these blocks of wood down the hill the other day that ended up in the pond.water10

From there, I made it up to this overlook, just before dark. While I was there, the rains started to come in. The rain was light, so far, so I headed for home, just in case.view11

Nice day.

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