Moving the New Metal Rack Into the Old Garage

Sunday July 28, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Metal rack  move in

My project for the day was to get the new metal rack I built moved into the old garage.rack

I got enough of the garage cleaned out to slide the metal rack into the garage.floor

Cracked floor

When my Dad built this garage a long time ago, there wasn’t much money around and they didn’t use any rebar in the floor so over the years, the floor cracked up, mostly because of the huge redwood stumps that were rotting under the ground. Not much I can do about that. It makes the floor fairly uneven. There’s worse spot where the cement has sunk about six inches under one of the walls that I might repair if I can ever get this garage cleaned up enough. :O)cracks

I pushed and pulled the metal rack into the garage. It slid fairly easily on the concrete and I used some of the steel angle iron to help it slide a bit easier too.rackmoving

I spent some time loading up the new metal I bought onto the rack for a good start. Once my back said it’d had enough, I quit for now. Looks pretty good.metalrack

Some planning

I measured and put buckets on the corners of where I thought a 20 foot x 20 foot RV cover might go. I’ll study that to determine if that is where I want it, or I might move it around some more.buckets

Forest hike

After a good  break I rode Hondo up into the hills to do some exploring. I parked and hiked around the hills some to check out a part of the forest I hadn’t been before. That was good for some exercise and I did get tired out good.

After that, I rode Hondo around the property some, just enjoying the day.

Nice day.

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