Old Road Check and Puttering Around On Our Dirt Roads

Wednesday March 19, 2025 Guerneville CA.

I was hanging around the house for most of the day. Eventually, I got tired of doing that and decided to go for a ride in  my side by side.

Road check

That’s always a good excuse to head out to the forest, so I headed up through the state park and rode up to this part of the old road. This is the steepest part and the part I’m having the most trouble keeping water from running down the road. It’s mostly doing pretty good, right now.road1

I stopped here to improve that little ditch  just in front of the rig that drains water off the road that comes down the road above it. I stopped and fixed a couple more of these and the rest of the road was in good shape.ditches2


With the old road taken care of, I rode on over to this overlook and parked for a break.rig3

The view from that overlook of the forest.forest4

The sun tried to poke through the clouds today, but  I think the clouds mostly won out.sky5

After a good break, I moved on down the road and stopped here to cut this out of the road.tree6

I cut that into small pieces and then threw them off the road.cutup7

Once that was cleared off the road, I returned to my rig and walked down the road in front of it throwing rocks and sticks off the road.rig7

I continued on down the road throwing stuff off it, until  my back was telling me to stop.rocks9

I stopped here to throw thee rocks off the road and that stick too.rocks10

My back was getting a break until I ran into the next tree across the road.tree11

I got that one cut and it’s now ready for Skiddy to come by and finish up removing this slide, eventually.cut12

My back said it had, had enough, but I still had one more tree to cut off the road, that I knew about.tree13

I wasn’t sure if my little chainsaw had enough gas in it to cut this up to this size. It did, so I rolled these pieces off the road.logs14

I headed for home from their.

Nice day.

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