Otters and Monte Rio to Jenner on a Winter Day

Tuesday December 9, 2014 Russian River CA.

My blog page was hi-jacked for awhile today

When I returned home today, I had an email from Marty saying my blog page was redirecting to another page, so I called my ISP to see what was up? They didn’t seem to know and directed me to check some things out on my page which I had to FTP to, which I don’t do often, but I figured it out and checked out what they said to check out and there was no problem to be found. I checked my page again and it seemed to work ok now, so maybe my ISP did something. At any rate, it seems to be fixed for now.

Now for the todays Kayaking

Yesterday Ray mentioned that he’d like to do a shuttle from Monte Rio to Jenner, so that’s what we did today. It’s about an eleven mile trip.

I met Ray and his  brother John at Monte Rio this morning and we took Rays truck down to Jenner and came back to Monte Rio and put our boats in the water around  eleven AM.

There was a very light drizzle and the water was a little muddy from the recent rains. The wind was down for a very calm day going down the river.

Some steelhead fishing

Just below Monte Rio we ran into the only other boat we saw in the water today. A couple guys fishing for steelhead in the slot, which we passed on


River otters

And just below them, I spotted some movement in the weeds on the shoreline and this popped up. An otter eating a small fish.otter


I paddled over a bit closer to see what was going on. At least two otters were fishing getting small fish and crawdads. I watched them for awhile and then moved on to catch up with Ray and John.otters


John spotted a cooler that looked pretty good in the river so he tied it to his boat and we proceeded down the river. You can see John towing the cooler just below Monte Rio. Ray is out ahead of us in the yellow


We took our time for a slow drift down the river. Here we are just past Casini’s ranch.firehouse


We are approaching the Duncan’s Mills Bridge in this one.duncans


I was surprised to see some of these grebes up the river this far, as most of this kind I’ve mostly seen down in the Jenner area.grebe


Here we are somewhere below the Duncan’s Mills bridge. Note the water is nice and calm.monterio


There are a lot of big old trees in this area and also quite a few osprey nests and a great blue heron rookery. It looks like the fog is moving in down towards the Jenner area as far as you can see in this picture.russianriver


There are some rocky cliffy areas in this area that make it real scenic.scenic


There were cattle up on the grassy hillside, which we could hear doing a far amount of bellowing.cows


Loon eats a fish

As we approached the Paddy’s rock area, I could see this bird had a fish it was trying to swallow. A loon with what looked like a small perch. It got it down as we watched.loon


Fog is moving in

The fog was moving in around Jenner as we approached. It was almost five PM now and the sun was going down as we pulled into the boat ramp and took our boats out of the water and put them into Rays’ truck to transport back to Monte Rio where the rest of our cars were.jenner


That was almost a six hour trip drifting down the river from Monte Rio for a real nice day on the river.

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