Puttering Around the Yard Doing Small Repairs and Tending the Chickens

Saturday September 15, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Doing the small things

I didn’t have much planned for the day so it would be a good one to putter around the yard and take care of small things that needed done.

Aphids and ants

My little sun flowers in the chicken grow pen are starting to bloom. The leaves are full of aphids and ants which I found out when I went in to check it out. Took a long time to get all the ants out of my hair.flowers



I fixed a couple of leaks in watering hoses as I bought some more clamps the other day.

And I moved a faucet automatic timer to the sprinkler I was using to water the grasses so now I don’t have to remember to turn it off when I water and it does a better job watering than I do.

I used the shovel to dig up a section of one o the feeder gardens to try and work some mulch into it. Afterwards I let the chickens in the pick through things as they were at the gate crying as they wanted in.

Break chair

The chickens in the back right are digging in the garden I turned over. This picture is from my resting chair in the smaller chicks pen.chickens


Chicks like the grow garden

I fed the little chicks some weeds I pulled up and opened the gate so they could get in their grow garden.

Here’s the gate open to the grow garden as they’ve just discovered and most will go into it to forage as that’s what they like to do.peeps


That was pretty much it for me today, just puttering around the yard.

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