Puttering Around the Yard While Waiting for the Internet Repair Guy

Wednesday August 9, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Can’t go

Barry came by today for a dirt bike ride. I couldn’t go riding with him as I had an appointment with my internet provider to look at my phone line sometime between 12 and 4 so I had to hang around the place.

He took off for the hills.barry



I turned the water on my very small coffee plants and when I came back to check out the sprinkler, I found water shooting in the air. The plastic end of the hose  had cracked and broken off at the sprinkler, so I had to fix it. I used the torch to soften up the hose so I could push a new fitting onto it to fix it.hosefix


Coffee plants

I put the sprinkler back on the small coffee plants and watered them again. These coffee plants are new this year and I’m trying to get them to grow faster as they’ve been slow to grow so far. I did fertilize them before I put the water to them. They are starting to grow  more, very slowly. This area isn’t really the right climate for them and I may never get any coffee beans from them, but then again, maybe I will if I can get them growing.coffee


While waiting for the internet guy to show up, I watered stuff and mostly just puttered around the yard.

Just before 4, two vans showed up to check out the phone line. I’m having an intermittent problem with the phone line so when they check it, it all looks good and so things don’t get fixed. This has been going on for over a year now.sonic


Steve tests out the phone line at the back of the house and all looks good.steve


Not likely to get fixed

Since they couldn’t find the problem, they made another appointment for Friday for them and ATT to come out at the same time to figure out what to do next. I’ve had this same type of problem before and they would change the phone line wires that go to the switching station down in Guerneville. But this time there are no good extra phones lines to change to, although, I do believe that is the only way this thing is going to get fixed.

Game cam cards

After they left, I rode on up into the forest to collect my game cam cards which I did, then I stopped here for a break as the sun was going down over the hills.view


I headed on home from there as it was getting cold out with a T-shirt on and the day was cooling down.

I checked out the photos on the game cam cards. There wasn’t much on them, except for quite a few smaller birds getting drinks of water.

Nice day.

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