Raining So It Was a Shopping Day For Me and Night Critter Pics

Tuesday January 15, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Critters in the chicken pen

Here’s some of the critters that visited my chicken pen during the night, last night.

This is a big ol rat that has been trying to dig it’s way in. I keep sticking rocks in it’s holes. Since I buried wire around the fence it has been having a hard time finding a spot to get in.rat1


Mice go where they want

The mice are smaller and can get through some of the fence wire so they go pretty much where they want.mice2


There’s two mice in this photo, one in the feeder on the left and one on the stump above center.mice3


The mice and the rat too can climb on the wire fence without too much trouble. I watched this mouse checking things out. They seem to be able to detect the IR light the camera is using at night so they are cautious.mice4


Figuring out the software

I’m still working on figuring the cams software out and working on figuring out how to get the motion detection to work which I  haven’t been successful at yet.

Here’s a color photo of the chickens in the pen this morning just before I fed them.chickens5


This morning it was raining so I decided to head to the shopping area to get some longer network cables so I could move the cam into a better spot in the chicken pen.

What I need is not available

I also wanted to check on faster modem routers as the one I have is getting old and isn’t as fast as the newer stuff. But they don’t seem to be making many of the type I need anymore so that was a bust and I’ll have to get one from Amazon if I want one. I put that on hold right now. I was able to get a longer networking cable and some longer extension wire to power the unit.

And of course I did some shopping at Costco as the computer stores were close by.

Raining hard

It was raining hard as I drove on home for the day.

I put the groceries away and went out and installed the longer cables and moved the cam to a better spot and let the chickens out in the rain to graze.

Neighbors cat staying with me

My neighbor’s cat has been staying with me for a week or so and she wanted a pic of her missed cat. This was the best I could do before she took off outside to do whatever cats do. She’s been a good kitty and we get along fine.cat


Work around

Even though I didn’t get the new modem router I did learn some things about them so I’ll figure out a way to get things to go faster with what I have as I have a couple of fast routers around that I can hook to my modem to speed up the wireless. I’ll get to that eventually.

It was a good day to do the shopping as it was a rained out type of day and if I stayed at home I would of ended up vacuuming the house and that would of made my back sore. :O)

That was it for  me today.

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One Response to Raining So It Was a Shopping Day For Me and Night Critter Pics

  1. George Yates says:

    gotta love that critter cam keeping watch over the flock by night.

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