Rainy Day and Checking Out the Old Dirt Road

Friday January 31, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Old road check

It was raining when I got up today. I put on my rain gear and headed on up to the old dirt road I have been working on to see how it was doing as this is the first rain on it since I got it mostly prepped for rock. I checked all the places where water was flowing in ditches to make sure the water was staying in the ditches and not running down the road.

I stopped here to check this water out and all looked good.rig1

And I stopped here to check this one out, but no water was flowing in this one yet.rig2

It didn’t take long to check out the road. I went down this road to head on home through our place and all the roads on our place where doing well also.raod3

It was still raining lightly when I got back to  my place, so I spent most of the rest of the day indoors. I did go to town to the bank and did a bit of food shopping, but otherwise, it was a rainy day.

I like the rain.

Nice day.

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One Response to Rainy Day and Checking Out the Old Dirt Road

  1. Judith says:

    I like rain too. Wish we could have some for more than an hour at a time. Your roads are looking good.

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