Setting Windows and More Work On the Road Rock Prep


Tom had six new windows he needed some  help installing this morning. He needed someone to hold them up while he put screws in them.

I went over there first thing and helped him do that.

Road work

After that, I rode Hondo up into the hills where I’m working on prepping the park road for rock. I forgot my camera again, likely because of the window work distracting me, or maybe it’s just older age.

I worked the rest of the day on the road with the bulldozer, mostly filling up a drainage ditch that was going down the side of the road that was causing a lot of damage to the road.

I got done just before five and then fueled up the dozer so it’d be ready to go tomorrow. I just have a little piece of the road to do to finish up.

I put my camera out in a spot I shouldn’t forget so I’d have it with me tomorrow.

Nice day.

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