Spring Digging and a Walk Around the Forest Near Boonville CA.

  Thursday October 2, 2014 Boonville CA.

Two posts today. The first one is under this one if you want to read them in order.

I decided to stay one more day at Marty’s cabin digging on a spring. After a slow start, we starting walking up the  hill to the spring around 11 AM.

The spring is in this area at the end of the road not too far from the cabin.springarea


This is how we left the spring the other day after digging on it for a few hours. A little water, but not much.spring


We dug out another four feet or so working for about three hours, taking our time.

We didn’t do well on increasing the water flow and gave up for now. Marty started walking back to the cabin and I headed on up the hill for a little more walking checking out some other spring areas near by.

I started out up through this area.forest


I was headed to a little creek or drainage area to see if there were any water puddles in it to maybe try to tap at a later time. I found some possibilities and marked them with rocks.

This was my view looking up from the little creek I was exploring.trees


Eventually, I came down the hill to our main water tank where I sat on this bench for a good break.bench


Then I continued on down the road, headed back to the cabin.road


My view as I entered the cabin area. The cabin is the one way in the back.cabins


That was enough playing for the day and we were both pretty tired out, so the rest of the day was mostly sitting around enjoying it.

I’m planning to head on home sometime tomorrow.

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