Sunday October 7, 2018 Guerneville CA.
Finishing up some projects
These morning glories where showing their best as I passed them on the way to the chicken coop this morning.
Enjoying the morning
I checked the chickens water and fed and they seemed to have plenty so I sat and enjoyed the morning a bit before getting to my projects for the day.
Prepping the van
Once I was ready to go I loaded a bunch of food stuff in the van and made the bed with appropriate warmth for the type of weather that is expected for this trip which is expected to be a bit on the cool side.
I also washed off my kayak and got it ready to load, but didn’t quite get to the loading part today.
Greasing the van
I then got the grease gun out and greased up all the fittings on the van.
Checking out the locking hub
I’d worked on the hub on this side awhile ago and decided I better make sure it was working properly so I jacked it up and turned the wheel to make sure the hub was engaging and disengaging and it all worked just fine which is good to know.
And some grinding
While I was doing that I remembered I needed to grind a bit off a stopper as some of my axle U bolts were hitting it just a bit. When the guy put on new leaf springs a couple years ago he used longer bolts and when the axle gets just in the right position they are heading a bit.
The piece behind the rod is what I ground down a bit.
Airing up the tires
I applied some spray paint and put the tire back on. Then all the tires got aired up to forty pounds pressure which seems about right for this van. At 32 the front tires cup and it’s much harder to steer in a parking lot, but at forty these two things are improved.
Some bad news
I was taking a break in the house when the phone rang. It was John with some bad news. It appears the state of Idaho ran out of out of state hunting tags for deer which puts all the hunters that were going on this trip in a bad way. John’s hoping they’ll add more tags, but nobody is sure what is going on. He said he’d give me a call tomorrow to let me know what he finds out. Needless to say he’s a bit upset with this news. I may have to alter my plans but that’s not that hard for me to do. We’ll see what turns up.
Grass for chicken nests
I’d had some fresh grass cuttings drying in the sun which seemed dry enough so I put them in the chicken’s nesting boxes as the chicken’s may start to lay some eggs before I return from my trip.
Moving dirt
I still needed to move some more dirt from the chickens mulch pen so I got the wheelbarrow and shovel out and loaded up. I lost count after about six loads.
Chickens tidy up
Once I had the dirt out I let the chickens back in to level things out.
I brought over a load of woodchips but decided to wait until tomorrow to put them out to give the chickens more time to level things out.
By then I was pretty tuckered out so I quit for the day.
And that was my day for a nice one.
I hope they add more tags, that would be disappointing for John.
the chickens look happy and hopefully will leave you some eggs for when you return. It is always good to be flexible on our plans.
Things are coming together for your trip.