Van Repair, Bulkhead and Trail Work/Exercise

Friday October 27, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Van repairs

My radiator electric fan temperature turn on switch wasn’t working on my last trip so I needed to replace the switch on the engine.

I had another switch so today was the day to get the switch replaced. I  had to drain down the radiator fluid first or the fluid would come out when I removed the old switch. I jacked up the van so I could get the bucket under it to drain the radiator.van


This is the new switch and it goes in the hole to the right on the engine top.part


I installed the new switch and filled the radiator back up with fluid. I’ll test it out the next time I use the van.

Creek bank repairs

Last winter when the creek was up real high, part of  my bulkhead washed out here and I need to fix it up. I cut the blackberry vines out today so I could see what was going on and make some plans on how to fix it.bulkhead


The wash out caused a couple of holes to appear that need to be fixed. I’ll study the problem and eventually come up with some way to repair this. But  not today.holes


Forest work

Later in the day, I went up to the trail I’ve been working on to get some exercise. I’m fixing this part up today. It’s an easier part to fix up so I got to it.trail5


That completes this part of the trail.trail6


Here’s a look at this part of the trail I’ve been working on.trail7


And another look at another part of the trail.trail9


This is as far as I got on the trail so far. I want to cross the creek with it and I’ve been looking for a way to do that and I think I’ve found a way that will take a bit of work.trail10


From there I rode the bike up to this spot on the ridge where I can get cell service and made a


And then I rode on home and put the chickens away for the night.

Nice day.

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One Response to Van Repair, Bulkhead and Trail Work/Exercise

  1. Judith says:

    The bridge problem makes trail work look easy.

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