Work To Do and Only a Couple More Days Until It Rains Again

Monday February 10, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Road work

I only have a couple more days before the next heavy rains come in so I have to get things done on the old dirt road before that.

I fueled up Skiddy and got to work.fuel1

Springs pop

The main problem I’m having is there are a lot of springs popping out of the hillsides after each heavy rain storm and the more it rains, the more springs seem to be showing up and causing water to wash down the dirt road.

Water just pours out of the hills along the dirt road.water8

Rock slides

So, I look for these rock slides and use the rock to put some rock on the dirt road where it’s needed to keep it from getting too muddy.slide5

I scope up the rock slides and haul the rock to where it is needed on the road.rock4

I have to haul the rock to where it is needed down or up the road.road3


This part of the road was a muddy  mess after the last rain storm, so I spent quite some time putting rock on the road and spreading it out to fix it up.rocking6

This was an especially bad spot with lots of water popping out of the hillside that I worked on improving with the rock.crossing9

I stopped  here for a break after working for a few hours hauling rock.rig2

I cleaned up this little rock slide and used it on the road.slide11

And I worked on cleaning up this rock slide. It’s a larger one, so I can get a lot of rock out of it to use on the road.slide12

I put a lot of rock on the road in this spot as it was a muddy mess. The rock will keep it from getting too muddy during the next rain storm so cars can pass without too much trouble.rockwed10

I worked all day on that and wanted to do a little on this part of the road, but ran out of time. This part of the road is in pretty good shape, but could use a bit more rock on it as cars are causing little ruts to form which isn’t good as water runs down the ruts and causes damage. I’ll have to work on improving this part of the road after the next rain storm.road13

I was done about an hour before dark so had time to fuel up Skiddy and grease it up too.grease7

I made it home just before dark and put the chickens away for the night.

More and more of the daffodils are blooming along my driveway.daffs13

Nice day.

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