I Think Just One More Day Will Do It

Wednesday January 22, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Forest road work

I need to get a little rock on the road before the next rains hit in a week or so, mostly to keep the neighbors happy.

I was up there around 11 this morning and got going as there was plenty of fuel in the Skidder.rigs1


I was hauling buckets of rock down to here from a rock slide near the top. I was only putting enough rock on to keep it from getting too slippery when it rains. The park guys will add six more inches of rock when conditions permit and they have time.rocking2

Hard rocks

Some times the rocks I was using where too hard and wouldn’t break up when driving over them. Only thing to do was get out of the machine and throw them off the road. rocks4

The ones that don’t break up are real bumpy when you drive over them and likely on peoples car tires too.rocks3

I’m rocking my way up the road.road5

I worked until three and then fueled up the machine.

Just one more day

I’ve said I only need one more day for a few days now, but this time I think, one more day might do it.

Park guys

I drove on down into the park and to the shop and talked with some guys about doing some work on the road. I’d like them to trim the roots on a big redwood tree on the road so it was easier to get by it as it’s in a narrow spot.

That done, I drove on home and put the chickens away for the day.

Nice  day.

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