Road Work Done, But Not Finished

Thursday January 23, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Forest road work

I needed to finish getting a light coat of rock on the old dirt road today, as I was hoping this would be the last day working on the road for awhile.  I wanted the light coat of rock so when it rains, things shouldn’t get to slippery for the neighbors that use the road. Eventually, when the weather is good, and things dry out more, the road will get about a six inch  coat of rock on it by the state park guys.


I put some rock on this turn in the road.skiddy1

Then I went into the main park to put some rock on a rut, going down this road.gate2

I spread some rock out here to cover up the rut in the road from people’s car tires.road3

Hard rocks

Some of the new rocks were too hard to break up, so I had to get out of the machine and through them off the road so things could get smoothed out a bit.rocks4

Then I went back up the road to this spot and added more rock to where it was needed.rig5

I also rocked this section of road and was done with that.road6

I finished this section too. Now my thin layer of rock is complete.road7


Done with the road but not finished. The main part is done, but there’s still a lot of little things along the road that will need improving and the next rains might show up some problems. But, all in all, this part of the job turned out well.

Headed home

I worked my way all the way back up the road, tidying up dirt along the way, until I got to the top where I park.equipment8

Nice day.

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