Saturday March 1, 2025 Guerneville CA.
The rain predicted for today was canceled so I headed on up into the hills to work on the old road some more. I moved more rock onto some wet soft spots and fixed a couple of ditches.
Hauling a load of rock down the road to fix a spot.
Nice forest road
Even though hauling rock is a lot of work, the road is actually a real nice one in the forest, so it’s not so bad going up and down it hauling rock.
A lot of the road is in real good shape. It’s only the lower part where all the water pops out of the ground when it rains real hard where the wet spot problems are.
Headed down a good section of the forest road.
Fueling up
I worked until the fuel gauge was getting close to empty and quit and went up to fuel up the rig.
The day wasn’t over, but I quit just the same.
I rocked this part of the road today. It was real muddy from a spring popping out on the road and getting things wet and muddy. Rock takes care of the problem.
The old road goes into the state park here as I headed for home.
I headed down into the state park where the redwood trees are the largest.
Back home, I took a short nap, then went out and chair hopped around the yard with the chickens. They are eager to get out into the front yard, so I opened the gate for them.
Nice day.