Motorcycle Ride and Finishing Up the Van’s Vertical Motorcycle Carrier

Sunday January 28, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Started off with a motorcycle ride

The sun was already out when I got it going today, but my work area was still in the shade so I decided a motorcycle ride would be a good idea. I needed to go up in the hills and check on how the roads were doing after the recent rains.

I rode on up to the top overlooking


Here’s the view of Guerneville from the ridge top. The town is just to the right of center and the Russian River goes through there too.guerneville


Neighbors Top of the World

I rode on up to my neighbors place they call Top of the world to check on the view. The hill is higher up, but it’s a bit overgrown.

Here’s the view from there.top3


Sunshine warms the work area

I was back in about an hour and by now my work area was warming up with some sunshine so I got to work.

I needed to shorten my winch mount and drill some new holes to mount the winch.winch4


Here’s the shortened winch bracket with the winch mounted. I also had to shorten the winch lever as it hit the van’s roof. I then drilled a hole in it and also added the handle.wbracket5


Here’s the winch mounted showing how it works. This should make picking the motorcycle up easy and also take some of the weight off the trailer hitch and keep it from trying to bounce too much while traveling.winch6


Here’s the pipe I added to help lift it or drop it or just to help handle it. I’m not sure I need it and if not I can unbolt it and remove it.pipe7


Here’s the winch with  my motorcycle in the up position.winch8


And the down position.carroer9


The almost finished carrier

This shows a good view of the upright position.cycleup10


I may have to do a bit of adjusting once I get a motorcycle up there, but this is the jest of my new vertical carrier. The main thing is it looks like it will work.

Ready for paint

I disassembled it so I can paint it once I get a warm enough day.

Then I picked up tools and materials and tried to clean up the work area a bit.

Prepping for Oregon

Then I took a look at the inside of my van and did some cleaning up. The bedding went to the washer. I’ll go through the food supplies and finish tidying up in the next day or so as I hope to leave for Port Orford, Oregon soon as the weather up there is improving.

That was pretty much my day for another good one.

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