Spring Work and My Brother’s Garden Grows.

Tuesday July 4, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Water tanks

I went up to check our water tanks to see how much water was in them, so I know how much I can water my yard. With all the rain we had last winter we should have plenty of water this year.tanks1


The gauge ribbon was on the ground which meant the tanks were all full to the top, so lots of water for watering the yard.guage2


Spring work

On the way back I stopped at this spring I’ve been working on and put a few more hours into it, to get it ready for tapping the water.spring3


Brother’s garden

On the way home from working on the spring, I stopped to see how my brother’s garden was doing.

He’s planting some stuff here, but I don’t know what.garden4


He has pole beans in this section.beans5


And some different kinds of squash in this area.garden6


He’s planting this area.garden7


And these look like different kinds of peppers.potatoes8

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Spring Work and My Brother’s Garden Grows.

  1. Gaelyn says:

    The gardens are lush. So nice to eat fresh.

  2. Nancy K says:

    Wow .. what beautiful gardens!! You have the perfect growing weather.

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