Trip Time Headed to Plumas National Forest

2024 September 23, 2024 Pumas Nation Forest CA.

First camp on the way

This is the our first camp near the road by Bullard’s Bar Reservoir.camp1


We weren’t there very long when this little kitty came meowing into camp. It looked like an abandoned cat. It meowed all the time and most of the night. It’d get close but when we moved at all it’d run back.

We decided the least we could do is gave it something to eat. We didn’t need a cat and you couldn’t catch it even if we did.kitty2

When we were ready to leave in the morning Marty started his van, it ran for a few seconds and died and wouldn’t start again, so we went into mechanical mode.engine3

After some trouble shooting, we determined his module in his distributor had failed and luckily he had a spare one, so we installed it and all was good so we got on the road, only delayed by an hour.

Eventually we left the pavement behind and made our way to the Plumas forest going up this road.road4

Plumas National forest

This was our first camp spot in the forest, we call it headquarters as it’s real central and a nice camp spot.camp5

The Last Chance Creek runs right by camp.creek6

Looking for crawdads

The next day we went looking for a spot where Marty caught lots of crawdads, a long time ago so he couldn’t remember where exactly it was.  We looked here, but it wasn’t the spot.creek7

We travelled down roads like this one looking for the spot that he thought might be the spot.road8

We took quite a few wrong roads, but at least it was exploring.

We finally found the spot where he though it was and set up camp here.camp9

This was the meadow view from our camp spot.medow10

And this was the creek where we put our crawdad traps out.traps11

We went for a walk up along the creek to see what was there.walk12

I walked a bit further than Marty did and walked along this spot that was dammed up by beaver.creek13

After my walk, I decided we should move camp to this spot. When we pulled out the traps, we didn’t have any crawdads, but we put them back in the water at this spot which was just a short distance from the first spot.camp15

From our van’s we looked out over this meadow with the creek going up the left side.medow16

So far, this area doesn’t look too  good to trap some crawdads, but we’ll see in the morning when we pull in our traps.

Broken computer

When I opened up my computer to do this blog tonight I discovered I’d broken a hinge.

I use this a lot for map planning as well as doing this blog, so this could end up a disaster.

If it breaks too much I might be out of commission from doing a blog and even if I buy a new computer all my passwords for setting things up are at home so if I disappear for a few weeks, that might be the case until I get home to set things back up on a new computer, I will try to fix it tomorrow if I have some epoxy, which I think I do.

I’ll be posting this in a couple days outside of Janesville when I can get some cell service.

Nice days.

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