A Paddle and a Hike to a Big Rock With Ray and John

Tuesday November 8, 2016 Jenner CA.

Ray and John join me today

Ray said he’d meet me at Jenner this morning. He was at the ramp as I drove in and put my boat in the water. He said his brother John was coming down too, so we waited a bit in our boats out in front of the boat ramp for a bit for John to show up and he did shortly.

Let’s go for a hike up to the rock

We paddled across the river to Penny Island and decided to go up river to the place I call Muskrat and go for a hike up to the old Indian Lady’s Face Rock.

Heading up the river along Penny Island looked like this this morning.river


We putted along stopping here and there. We stopped at Eagle’s landing for a bit. Here’s Ray and John at Eagle’s Landing.guys


A friendly little bird

This little gull that came by yesterday, came by again today and came right up to the boat. I think it is a little Bonaparts gull. Sure is a friendly little guy.seagull


Heavy poison oak area

We paddled on up to the muskrat area and found a place to land our boats which wasn’t too muddy and went ashore. We secured our boats and started up the hill going through some thick poison oak. Fortunately none of us catch it much as the place is full of it and there is no way one could avoid it all.

Here was one of our views as we hiked up the hill looking back down the river towards the town of Jenner. That’s Buzzard rock to the left which we will stop at on the way back.buzzardrock


It’s not hard if you know where the trails are

We went through a lot of brush, but if  you know where the trail is it’s not too hard to get to the ridge top. The trail goes through a number of different micro climate type areas so it’s an interesting hike. And because the trail is just an animal trail, it works out every muscle in your body which us older guys need.

The big rock

We are headed for that big rock on the left where we are going to sit for a good break.rock


I let those guys get ahead for a bit so I could get some pics of them going to the rock.rock2


This is the rock where we sat and enjoyed the view.rock4


The view from the rock up the river to the highway one bridge.rockview


I saw this cow down in the field enjoying the little pond.cow


We stayed on the rock for an hour or so shooting the bull.

Just as we were leaving this hawk flew in flying circles hunting.  We watched it for a bit before it flew off.hawk


Headed back down to the river

Here’s Ray and John as we just came off the rock and headed back down to the river.walk


Stopping at Buzzard Rock

On the way down we veered off the trail to another one and are going to the rock just below John which I call Buzzard Rock.buzrock


We were standing on the rock when we heard a bunch of geese honking up in the sky. It turned out to be quite a number of geese. I think they were stopping over on the way south.geese


This was the trail just below Buzzard Rock. It’s not hard to get through if you know where the trail is. A lot of that stuff is poison oak which is dormant right now.brush


Paddling back down to Jenner

We got  back in our boats and headed down the river. John said good bye and headed on in faster than Ray and I wanted to go.

This was the river view as we headed on in down to the town of Jenner.jenner


Ray and I aren’t as young as we used to be

Ray and I realized just how beat we where as we pulled into the boat ramp and loaded our boats and went on in for the day.

That was pretty much my day as I was too pooped to do much once I got home.

Nice day hiking Jenner.

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