Bulkhead Work, Shelves in the Shed, Chickens and Rocks

Monday December 4, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Bulkhead work

I still had a couple of small things to do on the bulkhead project.

I needed to put one more piece of sheet metal at the end of this.dheet1


And I needed to fill in this hole with sheet metal.hole2


I cut this piece of sheet metal into the pieces I needed and screwed and wired them in.tin3



The next thing I did was to put some shelves in this shed. I had some redwood boards, so cut them to length and screwed them in.boards4


Now I have more shelves to put stuff which will help keep things organized a bit.skhelves5


Chair  hopping

Then I spent some time chair hopping around the yard with the chickens.birds6


The chickens like to stand on these logs for some reason.chicksens7


As the day cooled off, the chickens gathered here before they headed to their roost.chickens8



The last thing I did today, before it got dark was to haul another load of rocks to this spot.

One load is enough to tire me out.rocks9


Nice day.

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