Dragging Butt, Forest Ride, Waterfall and Chair Hopping

Wednesday March 13, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Dragging butt

I felt like a truck ran over me this morning when I woke up and could use at least another hour of sleep.,,,,,,,,,But. I think all the tree cutting and trail work I’ve been doing lately caught up with me.

I heard Barry with his motor bike out front so I got up and got it going and joined him for a ride. I was dragging my butt quite a bit but eventually we took off for the hills.


Barry wanted to check out the waterfall with all the rain we’ve been having so we  headed for there.falls

The water was flowing pretty good.pool2

After checking that out we got back on our bikes and rode all around the property for awhile.ferns3

When we rode by this trail we stopped and Barry pointed out a surveyor monument down the hill from here where we joined our neighbor’s place.trail4

We walked back to the trail head and got back on our bikes and took off again.overlook5


As we rode by a big madrone tree I’d cut off the road, Barry says we should check with our neighbors to see if he can cut the wood up if they don’t want it so we rode up to there house to shoot the bull for a spell.

They have a nice patch of sorrel at their place and Barry could have the tree for firewood.sorrel7

Rest spot

From there we rode on up to our rest spot on the ridge top which is on our neighbor’s place, for a break.sky8

Another nice day up there so we took it easy and rested up for a spell.sky6

From there we worked our way back to my place where I had a good nap.

Chair hopping

Eventually I  made it back outside to do some chair hopping around the yard just enjoying the sun.

Tow hitch

I did have a look at my skid steer to see about putting some kind of tow hitch on the back of it which I need to design.

I had this piece of metal that might work.

Do I want to put it on this way which would give me some more protection from backing into stuff such as trees.metal9

Or maybe a short piece of metal in this direction?metal10


This was the sky view when the sun went down behind the mountains to the west.sunset11

Nice day.

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3 Responses to Dragging Butt, Forest Ride, Waterfall and Chair Hopping

  1. PatsyIrene says:

    Always love seeing that view from up there. Nice place to rest.

  2. KennyD says:

    I would go with a combination of what you have. The horizontal piece plus a shorter “stinger” sticking out for the ball or whatever you use for a hitch. Lots more protection of the rear of the machine.

  3. A James says:

    Quite a while ago ,I grew up on a large farm which included a bush that was worked in wintertime.For cutting large trees upright or down they were always belayed with a rope & tackle back to a tractor – you might consider such an arrangement; especially as you note ,it can be dangerous working on those slopes.Gorgeous terrain,all the best.

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