Fabricating a Piece For the Culvert Project

Friday August 9, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Culvert project work

I needed to cut this old pressure tank in half so I needed to mark it.tank1

I got it marked in halves and used a disc cutoff wheel to cut the ends in half.end2

Then I got out my plasma cutter to cut the sides. That worked real well and was  much faster than using the disc cutoff wheel.cut3

Popped it in  half and removed the old rubber bladder.halved4

I used one of these halves to make my piece.halfs5

One end I cut like this to fit over the culvert up in the hills.endcut6

I cut the other end like this as the culvert this end fits is smashed.end7

I had a piece good enough to take up into the hills to trail fit it, to see how it looks.piece8

Pond fish

On the way up I stopped at the pond to see if I could see any little fish as Barry said he couldn’t see any the other day. There’s a big one in the middle and if you look real close you can see a bunch of real tiny ones.fish9

Old culvert

At the old culvert, I needed to trim the culvert up a bit. I brought the Sawzall for that and got to it trimming these pieces off. culvert

The Sawzall worked well and mostly cut good, although, I did jam it often and bent several blades. Good thing I brought up extra blades.cuttings10

I had to dig it out some more as the piece I made that I brought up to try  had to fit over this. The piece I built connects this piece with another piece you can’t see under the Pulaski.

The guys that used to run the grader down this road hit the culvert you can’t see and rolled it over making it half the size it should be. Not much I can do about that as I can’t cut into the road anymore or people won’t be able to get by as the road is real narrow in this spot, because of them wrecking this culvert. I have some plans to divert most of the water that comes down this culvert to somewhere else.trimmedup11

I took the piece I built back home as it is a little on the weak side so I wanted to use the other half of the tank and weld it into the part I built. I’m putting the other half inside the first piece to get ready to weld them together.doubleup12

I’ve added the other half into the first piece and now it’s ready to weld it up which should make this thing a lot stronger. I’ll weld that together tomorrow.insert13

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Fabricating a Piece For the Culvert Project

  1. Barb says:

    Nice to use up old stuff for another purpose.
    Also improves your land, gives you something to do, keeps your thinking cap on.

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