Tuesday March 11, 2025 Guerneville CA.
I heard the woodchip truck outside this morning. The guy left me with a new pile of woodchips. I’ll need to bring Skiddy down to spread them out in the yard soon.
Making video clips
I had a fully charged battery in my video camera today, so i rode the quad runner up to the old dirt road and continued making videos of each section of the old road so I could compare the old road with the new improved road. I hope to put a video together for YouTube of what I did to improve this road, eventually.
I started making clips where I left off and continued on down the road to the end.
Compacting the old road
While I was making video clips, I was thinking of bringing my car up here to help pack in the road bed as it’s supposed to start raining pretty good sometime tonight.
I put all the full diesel containers in the back of my car for added weight and took off up through the state park where the larger redwood trees are.
I let myself through the gate and started driving up and down driving all over the road to pack in the loose rock and dirt.
That process turned out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Parking brake activates
The first thing that went wrong was I backed up near a big bump in the road and the car just stopped on it’s own, locking up the parking brake. I finally saw the red light on the parking break button, but I’d turn off the brake and it’d put it back on. I was thinking I needed to turn off the collision control, but how do I do that. I was able to get the car far enough away from that bump and get the car moving, but not being able to disable the stuff on the car that keeps it from running into stuff, that problem continued to plaque me.
Car won’t go
I was going up in the steepest spot and the car just wouldn’t go up it. It didn’t’ spin out or anything, just wouldn’t move up the hill, starting from a dead start. I started pushing buttons to maybe get it in a lower gear or some kind of traction control without any success. You see, I don’t really know how to drive these newer cars. Older cars, you just put it in a lower gear but these newer ones you have to know stuff like which button to push and what do the buttons do.
So, here I was stuck on the steepest part of the hill when two cars pulled up behind me.
I had to explain the fact that I was stuck and would need to back down so I did that and was able to get going. I finally found a button that would put the car in some kind of lower gear. I’ll have to look up these buttons when I have time.
I was going up the road when I ran into another car so I tried to turn around in a narrow spot in the road. When my car got near a hill or bump, it put the darn parking brake on again, so I had a hard time getting the car turned around as the car continuously turned the parking brake on, going forward or backward . I need to find that anti collision button.
I packed things in pretty good, eventually, and stopped here to cut a small ditch to improve water drainage in this spot to help keep water from running down the road.
I’ll likely have to come back up and repair this ditch after it rains a bit.
This is the steeper part of the road that I wanted to compact which I did get done, so let it rain tonight.
I drove on home for the day.
Nice day.