First Rain Showers and Some More Work Up In the Hills

Friday November 6, 2020 Guerneville CA.

First rain

When I went out to take care of the chickens this morning there was a light sprinkle, our first rain of the year. It wasn’t much but if you walked out in it you got wet rather fast. rain


So I fed the chickens and let them out and went back in and fed myself.


I’ve been trying to figure out how the rats are getting into my old house attic so I’ve set out a camera hooked to my computer to record anything if there’s any motion. Last night I detected they use this wire to run from my brother’s place next door to  my roof top where there’s a hole somewhere where they are entering the attic.


So I put this blocker on the wire to stop them from using the wire.disc


Actually I needed two of them as they can run down the fence wire too.2disc


Hard to stop rats

This doesn’t stop them from getting onto  my roof as they can go up and down must stuff but it will make them get on the ground to cross over the creek and maybe something will catch and eat them.

Trail work

The light rain didn’t last long so I hopped on the quad runner and rode up into the hills to do some more work on the spring pipe road crossings. I had to drive in some metal stakes to mark the crossings and then I did some trail work, about a 100 feet of it before I tired out and went on home for the day.

I forgot to take my camera up into the hills so no pictures of my progress.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to First Rain Showers and Some More Work Up In the Hills

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    First rain of the year?? I can’t even imagine that!!
    So many people now are trying to deter rats, mice and skunks!! LOL

  2. Nancy K says:

    Rats can sure be a problem. We have tons of pack rats in Arizona, so we all keep bright lights underneath our vehicles to keep them at bay. Big surprise this morning … rain here too. I hope it continues for a few days.

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