Forest Dirt Bike Ride and I Visit Some Neighbors That Live High On the Hills

Sunday March 23, 2025 Guerneville  CA.

Forest ride

Barry was out in the yard this  morning when I got it going. That meant we were going for a dirt bike ride up in the forest. We rode around and around and then went up to our break area at the top.top1

I thought maybe these guys were setting up a tic tac toe, but they never finished it.sky1

We rode over to visit a neighbor that wasn’t there so we went over to check out this road that I said I’d help him fix. It has lots of slides on it from the  neighbor’s road that lives up above the road.

We parked here on the road in front of that slide.road3

Then walked down the road to check out the rest of the slides.slide4

This is the biggest slide coming down off his road above. You can see a sort of bridge he’d used to get down his road, last year, as this  year the rest of the road washed out around his sorta bridge which made the slide come down some more. That neighbor isn’t liked by any of the other neighbors that live in the area.ditch5

I can likely remove all the slides in about a days work, with Skiddy.

Getting a drink

Then we rode back to our place and rode around some more, stopping at this spring for a drink of water.spring6

After that, we worked our way back to my place where I needed a nap.

After I was rested up, I took the side by side up to check out the dirt road to see  how it was doing. Some water was running down the road from the car tires, so i got out my shovel and fixed that up a bit.

We are starting to get  more dry weather so eventually, I’ll get ahead and get this road all fixed up.water7


From there I rode on up to another neighbor’s for a visit. They live up high on the  mountain.road8

It’s a nice view from up there.view9

I found them home so we had a nice visit.robs10

The neighbor was working on his tractor so I  helped  him out a bit.tractor11

He was having a battery charging problem, so we looked at his alternator and wiring, but without some diagrams of the wiring we didn’t get very far with it.bat12

I needed another nap, so left there for home for a nap.

Nice day.

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One Response to Forest Dirt Bike Ride and I Visit Some Neighbors That Live High On the Hills

  1. Barb says:

    Our skies looked like a drunk pirate’s map with x’s alll over. Florida is trying to stop it for our state, in the works now. Why doesn’t the president put an end to it for everyone?
    Have fun playing in the dirt.

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