Dirt Bike Ride and Trees Keep Falling In the Forest

Friday May 12, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Plans change

I was sitting in my yard thinking about going up into the forest to do some trail work when my brother Barry showed up with his dirt bike.

Of course the trail work was put off for now. We sat around shooting the bull for awhile, then took off for the hills on our dirt bikes.

It wasn’t long before  I realized I’d forgotten my camera which I seem to be doing more lately for some reason.

Downed trees

I thought I’d cut all the downed trees that were across the roads out of the way, but the first road we took, we ran into a new one that was downed. They just keep fallen. It’s not really that strange as when you have a forest with thousands of trees growing in it on steep hillsides, some of them are bound to fall down.

Drink of water

We turned around and went another way, stopping at our spring for a fresh drink of water.

We ran into one more downed tree across the road during our ride.

We usually ride for about two hours and cover most of the roads up there at least once.

Blown up house

Oh, we did ride over to a neighbor’s place that blew up a couple months ago from a likely propane leak during the night. The place was completely burned down and was a mess. There were three older guys living in the house and one of them didn’t make it.

Break spot

We spent quite awhile sitting on top of the highest hill taking a break. The day was so nice we spent more time than usual up there.

Good ride

After a good ride we returned to  my house. I was tired out so had a bit of a nap while Barry took off for his place.

The rest of the day, I spent chair hopping around the yard with the chickens, mostly just sitting around enjoying the day.

Nice day.

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One Response to Dirt Bike Ride and Trees Keep Falling In the Forest

  1. Barb says:

    You know that old saying………

    So do you ever hear when one of those trees falls down?

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