Forest Ride With Barry and Some Garage Cleaning

Sunday July 21, 2024 Guerneville  CA.

I was just getting ready to start cleaning out the garage so I could move my new metal rack into it.

Forest ride

But Barry showed up for a bike ride in the forest so I got a reprieve from that for a bit.

We did the usual stuff riding around the hills and stopping at springs for a drink of water. Then we rode up to my cousin’s place for a good visit.

After that we rode up to the ridge top for a break and then rode around some more before getting all tired out so we headed for home. Barry took off for his place and I went in the house for a nap.

Garage work

Eventually, I came back outside to work on getting the garage cleaned out for the new metal rack.rack

I need to move all this metal on the floor to make room for the new metal rack which I will than load up with this metal and some more of it that is outside. Once that is done, I may  have a chance to clean up the rest of the garage, maybe. :O)CLEANING

I  made a good dent in it and maybe one more time I’ll have things cleaned up enough to drag the new metal rack into the garage.

Nice day.

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