Forest Road Work and Hunting For a Spring

Sunday September 1, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest work

I’d asked a neighbor to take his small back hoe and dig out the outlet of this 24 inch diameter culvert as it looked a bit plugged up. He said he had it done so I rode on up into the hills to  have a look at it. It turned out to be more plugged up than I thought as only a small section at the top was open and it’s plugged up with mud type soil. He didn’t get the end opened up as much as I wanted so I’ll get him back so he can dig it out by hand a bit. I’m not sure how to get the dirt and rocks out of it. Maybe a long piece of rebar working it, or better yet might be a high pressure water jet. It’s something that needs to be fixed.culvert1

He dug another spot out where I need to fill the road in with some big rocks which he did, just right.

I rode down the road and parked here. I need to fix the erosion in front of Hondo. I parked here to walk on down the road.hondo2

I walked on down this road, into the big redwood trees.gate3

I was headed down to here to look at the road as it has huge pot holes in this area. After looking at it for the tenth time or so, I decided the best way to fix this is put a lot of rock on the road, enough to get above the water that settles on the road when it rains.road4

I walked on back to my rig, about a quarter mile, and headed on up to our break area at the top of the hills and sat here for awhile taking it easy.view5

After a good break I rode on down this trail. I’m headed to a spot I want to look for a spring.trail6

I drove down this old logging road to where it is washed out by a ravine. This is where I want to look for the spring, up the ravine to the right.washout7

Spring hunting

Up in this ravine is where I’m looking for a spring.ravine8

I didn’t have to go far and I found this spring. It has a pretty good output, a half gallon per minute or so I think, but it is in the middle of the stream so would likely have a lot of maintenance problems.water10

I had to walk back up this road to get back to where Hondo was parked. I took my time as it was fairly steep.hill11

I made it back to my rig, now I have to figure out how to get it turned around.rig12

I got turned around and headed down this road,  headed for home and a nap.road13

Nice day.

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