Garage Cleanup and Riding Up Into the Forest

Saturday May 6, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Kitty Kat

My neighbor is gone for a few days so Kitty Kat has been coming by my place during the day. She likes to go into the house and make sure her feed bowl is still there. She usually stays with me when my neighbor is gone when no one else is at home.kat


Big cracks

I have these big cracks in the cement floor of my old garage. Because of this I haven’t been able to keep the rats out of it for years and they’ve destroyed the place. I seem to have them under control with the rat bait for now, but the whole place needs to be cleaned up.crack4


I’d like to clean things up so I’d have more room for my welding stuff.mess2


My plan for today is to move all this wiring stuff to another spot.wire3


One of life’s problems

One of my life’s problems is since I can fix most stuff, I need tools and materials for each thing I can fix so over the years things got away from me. It’s just the way it is. I used to know what was in each pile but as I’ve aged, I no longer remember where stuff is.

I worked on moving stuff for a couple of hours and made a dent in it.

Enough of that for now as this is going to take awhile as I hate to throw stuff away, so I have to find a place to put stuff.

Quad differential oil check

I’ve been hearing some weird noises from under the quad runner when riding it sometimes so I thought I better check the differential for oil as I’ve never done that since I’ve owned it.oil


It was full of oil so I put it back together and put it away for now.

Bike ride in the  forest

Instead, I got the motor bike out and rode on up into the hills for a ride and stopped here at the overlook for a bit.bike6


The view

That’s the little town of Guerneville down there and last nights rain has moved out for a nice afternoon.view7


I rode around some more and then stopped at this spot and sat down here for a spell.view8


This was the sky view from that spot, looking south.sky9


Eventually I took off and rode down the Talking Trees Trail and stopped here to move some rocks.creek10


I added twenty-five or thirty rocks to this creek crossing to keep the trail there when the water flows during a rain storm. I need a lot more of them to do the job right before I’m done.rocks11


More rocks

Then I rode down the hill and stopped here to add some more rocks to this crossing.creek12


I’ll need a lot more rocks on this one before it is done. The rocks come out of the drainage ditch, which this is, more than a creek as it only flows water during storms.rocks13


Back home, I chair hopped around the yard until it was time to go in.

Nice day.

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One Response to Garage Cleanup and Riding Up Into the Forest

  1. Nancy K says:

    Dents are good … it’s what I did in my garage also. That sure is pretty country!!

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