Tuesday May 7, 2019 Guerneville CA.
Got the electrical hooked back up
Once I got it going I went over and finished hooking up the electrical panel I was working on yesterday. It took one more trip to the hardware store to get a main breaker. I still want to increase the size of the main feed wire to the panel for more power but that will have to wait a bit as I’m tired of working on that box.’
Grandpa’s chicken feeder
Yesterday my new chicken feeder came in so today I set it up and started teaching the chickens how to use it. The chickens have to stand on the step to get the lid to open so they can feed. It didn’t take them long to figure it out. This unit is called Grandpa’s feeder and is rat proof.
Feeding the peeps
I also fed the little peeps and their mom. The new tray is working good keeping all the spilled food in the tray so there’s non for the rats late at night.
Digging out dirt and cement blocks
The rest of the day I spent digging out the failed bulk head. I mostly shoveled dirt today and also removed more cement blocks. I’ll have to dig it all out. My brother Tom suggested we try pulling it back up with his tractor which we might give a try once I get it all dug out.
After a bit of that I was worn out so it was mostly chair hopping and napping for me for the rest of the day.
That was my day.
I like Grandpas feeder too cool.
You did get a good workout relaxing now is a good thing.