Rene and I Straighten Out His Garage Electrical Work

Wednesday July 8, 2020 Port Orford Oregon

Electrical work yesterday

I told Rene I’d help him fix the mess in his garage. He had to fire his electrical guy so all the wires and circuits had to  be figured out in the garage he was wiring. The electrical guy had all the wires installed but most of them needed to be hooked up to switches and what not. To do that all the wire ends needed to be identified and marked and hooked up to the right place.

I drove on over to Rene’s garage and got out my electrical stuff to do the job.

Here’s the inside of his garage where all the electrical work is being done.garage


The  main electrical panel and most of the wires that need hooked up ate in this corner.wires


Here’s the main electrical panel and lots of wires to figure out. I started in this corner.wiring


Working away

Rene and I worked on that for about 3 hours and got about  half of it hooked up and some of it figured out.

We finally got stuck on some wires that weren’t making any sense and we couldn’t figure out what the other electrician had done so it was a good place to stop for the day. Sometimes sleeping on a problem helps lead to the solution.


So this morning we tackled the problem again trying some other ideas and the problem got solved so I continued hooking stuff up for the rest of the day taking my time of course.

Actually once the problem was figured out it helped make sense of some of the rest of the stuff.

Looking good

So we got all the wires and circuits figured out and I put all the stuff I could together. But Rene needs to get one more part before I can finish hooking everything up and testing it out.

Solving all the wires and hookups made for a real good day. It’s always nice when things work out.

The rest of the day I’m writing this post then I will go to Port Orford library to use their internet.

Nice day if I haven’t mentioned it. :O)

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One Response to Rene and I Straighten Out His Garage Electrical Work

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    That sounds like a great day and Rene will be so pleased with your help.
    What a lovely garage. Bill would love that!! :) of course, I’d have to have a house first. haha

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