I Attempted the Ridge Top Trail But Failed To Get To the Top

Sunday March 18, 2018 Queen Canyon Kofa NWR Arizona

Ridge top trail

The plan for the day was to hike up the ridge top trail that goes up Indian Canyon about a half mile past the Indian Skull Cave on the Queen Canyon road.

I started out about 11:30. The wind was cool and gusty, but I was hoping it’d warm up a bit as it did yesterday.

Off with a stick

I was warmed by some guys the other day that did the trail that a stick would be good to keep from slipping on the way down so I took my black bamboo stick with me and a flashlight and I was off starting here were I’m camped with my van.trail1


The trail starts off going up the wash.trail2


And eventually the trail starts up the hill through here.trail3


Rocky trail

This is the trail as it climbs up the hill.trail4


The trail climbs up the hill and then cuts across to the right through here.trail6


Can’t tell where the trail goes

And up through here. I can’t tell where it’s going until I get there.trail7


The trail goes through here and on up.trail8


I know the trail goes to the top somewhere up ahead so I continue on.trail9


Can’t find the where the trail goes

Eventually I got to just under the top ridge, but I couldn’t find which way the trail went here as I look  back down from the way I came up the trail.view10


I followed several trails that dead ended and just couldn’t find a way through.

I think maybe the trail went up these rocks, but I didn’t check.trail11


Piled rocks mark the trail

I know the trail goes through here somewhere from this pile of rocks, but I couldn’t find it.trail12


Break time

So I sat down for a break in this spot as I looked back down the way I had come.trail13


Eventually I started back down the trail down this way. My van is just above center, but you can’t see it as it’s too small.view14


Going cross country

Still going down the trail, but I will turn off it soon to go cross country.trail15


Checking out the cave

I turned off the trail here to get closer to the cave over there. I walked almost to it and then turned to the right and down.trail16


Here’s the best photo of the cave, but I didn’t go into it.cave17


Finding a route down

I continued cross country below the cave. I had to get down through here, but I couldn’t get through some spots and had to retrace my way and try some other routes until I was able to get through here.down18


This was one of the areas I couldn’t get through down through the raven.down19


Last obstacle

I was able to find a way down through this canyon which was my last obstacle before getting back on the trail for the rest of the way back to the van.down20


I got back to the van about three. It took about an hour and a half to get up the trail just below the ridge top.

I was beat so a nap was in order and that was my day as I explored the trail to the top.

I needed the walking stick

It wasn’t too hard getting up as far as I got. The walking stick the guy recommended helped out a lot and kept me from falling on my butt more than once.

Nice day even if I didn’t get to the top.

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