I Spent the Day Visiting With Neighbors Up In the Hills

Saturday September 14, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Hill top neighbors

I needed to talk to a guy by the name of Pickles who lives up on the top of the ridge, up this road, so that’s where I headed today.road1

I wanted to talk with him about a road I’m working on which I can use his help with as he has access to a dump truck.


This is the view from their place. Some other neighbors I know live there also and I found them all home so we chatted a lot and shot the bull some.view2


After a couple hours visiting with those guys, I started back towards home and found my cousin with her two dogs sitting at an overlook so I stopped to shot the bull with her until she had to leave for home.cousin3

Nap time

It was past my nap time when I made it home and that shot most of the rest of the day.

I did get out in the evening to put these tools away, under cover in the garage, just in case it rains.tools

Nice day.

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