Motor Bike Ride In the Forest Instead Of Working On the New Spring

Friday July 7, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Plans change

I’d planned to go up and finish off the spring today, but I heard Barry outside in his truck with his motor bike.

Too beat to work anyway

It was just as well as my body was still saying it was beat from all the spring work I did the other day.

I got my gear together and joined Barry for a ride up into the forest.barry1



But first, Barry wanted to eat some blueberries so we did that. We ate a few raspberries too.patch2


Ride in the hills

We took off headed up into the hills and stopped at our main spring for a drink of fresh water.warwe3


We rode down this ridge top.rodad4


This was the view of the town of Guerneville at the end of the ridge top. There’s some fog out there, keeping the place cool.view5


Our neighbor was repairing the road up the hill to their place with this rock we rode by.rock6


We rode up to another neighbor’s place to visit for a spell. Lots of wild flowers blooming at their place.flowers7


They  live on a ridge top and have this view to the west towards the ocean which is just over those hills.view9


After a good visit, we rode around some more and worked our way up to this ridge top for a good rest.resting10


This rest spot is on a high hill and has a nice view looking south, towards San Francisco which is about sixty miles from here, just over those hills.view11


Nap and resting up

From there we headed back to my house. Barry took off for home and I went in for a nice long nap and rested up for the rest of the day.

Nice day.

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