Needed Some Food, So It Was Costco and Then Some Visiting

Tuesday April 25, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Shopping day

I  hadn’t been shopping in quite some time, for some food, so today was the day as I was almost out of everything.

I got out of here just after one and drove the half hour or so to Costco in Santa Rosa. I  made the rounds getting everything on my list and of course a few other things that weren’t on the list. I was out of there in record time.


As long as I was in Santa Rosa, I went over to my friend Marty’s place and visited with him and his wife Patti. Marty’s back was hurting so I found him in his easy chair. We talked about our upcoming trip in about a month and shot the bull some.

I left his place around five, not a good time to leave a city, and I got caught in some traffic on the way home.

All my goodies got unloaded and put away and then I went out and chair hopped with the chickens until it got dark.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Needed Some Food, So It Was Costco and Then Some Visiting

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    It feels so good to restock and know it’s done for a couple of weeks at least.

  2. Nancy K says:

    I do love shopping at Costco. I always come home with twice what I really need!! Thank you for the electrical cord info. I really didn’t have a clue and am glad to know I won’t hurt anything.

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