Wednesday January 29, 2025 Guerneville CA.
Old road check
We have some rain coming in a couple days, so I needed to go up and see how the old road was doing as far as the water crossings. The cars and trucks that go up and down on this road tend to cause ruts in the soft crossings that cause water to run down the road and cause things to get muddy.
Here’s one that is just starting to have problems that way.
I only had to dig little ditches in the crossing to fix that and will likely fix this crossing up better the next time I get Skiddy up this way.
The rest of the crossing looked good so I went on home.
Trail work
I hadn’t worked on my trail for quite some time because I was working on the old road.
So today, I rode my dirt bike up the narrow trail to where I’m working on widening out the old trail.
Big log
I got this far. I’d forgotten I cut this log across the trail but the logs got stuck and I couldn’t get them off the trail. I hopped over the log and walked the short distance to where I was going to work on the trail today.
I walked out the trail and picked up my digging tool here where I’d left it last time I worked up here.
This was the section I wanted to widen out today. About a 100 feet of trail to do in this spot, if I can.
I got this much done before I needed a break.
After a few more breaks, I got this part done.
Then I worked on widening out this part, but got tired out and didn’t get it finished.
After that, I headed back down the trail on the dirt bike and went on home.
Springs Coming
I spotted these flowers just starting to bloom in my yard. Narcissus and the daffodils will be blooming real soon now. A sure sign Spring is on it’s way.
Some of my chickens where following me around the yard, hoping to get a treat.
Nice day.