Old Road Inspection Day and the Big Root Wins For Now

Tuesday January 28, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Park inspection day

I was to meet with the state parks head of maintenance today to show him how I’ve improved the old dirt road.

I headed up into the state park to the meeting place but got there a bit early, so I walked down the trail by the parking lot I used, to this old tree. It was early and not many people were in the park yet.park1

I took this picture and heard the park guy pull into the parking lot.tree2

Inspecting the old road

I showed him my work. He was please with what I’ve done so far improving the old road which also stops sediments from washing down into the state park.

After that, we rode over to our place to look around as we are in the process of the state buying our place for the state park.

We stopped at this overlook for a break.overlook3

Trail work

And then I showed him the trail I’ve been working on for the last couple of years which we walked down a ways. He approved and wanted to see the rest of it when he had more time to check it out.trail4

Big tree, big root

We headed back going down the old dirt road I’ve been working on. We ran into some of his guys checking out this redwood root that was too far out in the road, causing a narrow spot for large trucks. They were going to try to cut part of the root off to make passage easier.guys5

They started cutting but soon ran into some imbedded rocks the roots seemed to have grown around and were making it hard to use the chainsaw as it dulled very quickly.stump6

They drove a bunch of wedges into the chainsaw cut but couldn’t get the piece to split offcutting7

They will have to come back and just cut off little pieces at a time to get this job done.

I went on home from there.

Nice day.

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