Saturday February 22, 2025 Guerneville CA.
Headed to the ocean
I hadn’t been out since the big rain storms we had this winter. On the way to the ocean I ran into this one lane spot that made me think about the dirt road I was working on and all the water I had to deal with. I think I made out on that road better than these guys where the river washed out a section of the road. My water problems with the road cost a lot less then what we had to pay to get this washout fixed. I also noticed some other spots on the highway that got washed out from the storms.
Mann’s Ranch
I was headed to the ocean to see if I could catch up with the guy that owns this ranch by the river near the ocean. I’m interested in buying a steer from him, so I was headed to his ranch.
The ranch goes up into these hills too. His cows have lots of green grass to eat for most of the year being by the ocean. The ocean is just over these hills.
I stopped at the ranch but didn’t find anyone home, not even the guy that lives there, so I continued on the short distance to the river’s mouth overlook at the ocean.
The river where it flows into the ocean, known as the river’s mouth.
Harbor seals and cormorants resting.
Goat Rock, looking south down the coast line.
From there I drove around a bit going up the road on Willow Creek. Lots more road damage on that little road from all the rains.
Mann’s Ranch
From there, I headed towards home, but decided to check on the ranch once more, just in case. Success, someone was home. The guy who lives there and his wife were just coming home after his knee replacement. Mr. Mann, the owner wasn’t around. After some introduction and giving her some time to settle her husband with the new knee and telling the lady that I wanted to buy a steer, she got a paper and pen and I wrote a little note asking him to contact me by email. So, at least I got that started. She did say the owner did sell meat. I wished them well and headed for home, satisfied I at least got that done.
Some visiting
On the way home, I stopped and visited with John Sundburg. We had a nice visit and then I went on home.
In the evening, Tom and Dominique came over to cut flowers to sell at the Farmer’s Market as Tom is a Farmer at the Farmer’s market. He promised not to pick them all in each flower bunch so it’s hard to tell they took a bunch of them.
They are putting them together in little bunches to sell. Note that chicken there.
Dominique’s kat watching but staying back enough to stay away from that chicken.
Just before dark I started a little campfire to sit around to enjoy, made with fallen branches from the big redwood tree close by.
I sat there until almost dark, then put the chickens in for the night and went in the house.
Nice day.