Went To the Ocean, Looking For Some Beef To Buy

Monday March 3, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Headed to the ocean

I decided I better go look for some beef meat that doesn’t have any corn on it. The Government requires all meat sold in the US to be wiped or sprayed down with citric acid. Unfortunately, citric acid is derived from corn these days, instead of citrus fruits. That means all meats sold have corn stuff on them. The only way around that is to buy a live animal and have it butchered for ones self and not have the citric acid used on it and it cannot be sold to anyone else.

So, I’m looking for a place that rises beef to buy a live animal and get it slaughtered by a mobile butcher and cut up by a meat butcher company.

So, I’m on a mission to find a rancher that will sell me an animal so I can get this done.

I have a couple of prospects which I needed to check out today.

They both live down near the ocean where the grass is greener.

I drove on down to the ocean, stopping at the first place on the way. The owner wasn’t in, but there was a guy working on the old barn that I shot the bull with and talked to him about buying beef from the owner.  That might be possible, but there wont’ be any animals available for a couple more months as the spring grasses are just starting to take off, so the animals have to fatten up first. I did get the  owner’s phone number from the guy.

The ocean

I continued on down to the ocean and went to the Jenner Overlook where the river runs into the ocean.

Here’s where the Russian River runs into the Pacific ocean, looking northwest up the coastline.mouth1

And here’s the river and the ocean looking south.goatrock2

There’s always lots of harbor seals resting on the sandy beach. They feed out in the ocean in the early morning and come back here to digest their food. Heres’ some of the seals.seals3

Salmon Creek Ranch

The other ranch I wanted to check out was just south of there. I drove up into the hills to get to this ranch. I was at this ranch before and they just had their gates closed with some chains, no locks. But this time, I found automatic gates and couldn’t get into the place, until, fortunately for me a lady came driving out of the ranch so I got the combo numbers and drove on into the ranch.

The ranch is off to the right and you can see the ocean in the back left.hills6


I drove on in and went past these grazing goats.goats4

Lots of dogs were at the house, around ten or more big guys, some kind of Great Danes.The lady who I’d met before came out to talk with me. Yes, I could get an animal here, but not for a couple more months. Same thing as the other place. The grass is just starting to grow, so it would be awhile until they were ready to sell. I asked her to contact me when the animals were ready to sell.


On the way out, I walked by this pen full of ducks as she rises ducks for duck eggs that she sells. These ducks don’t lay their eggs in nests, like chickens do, but just lay them on the ground, so collecting them is like an Easter egg hunt. They have big dogs guarding the ducks that bark a lot, just doing their job.ducks5

I headed  back towards home going by the first place I’d stopped. The carpenter was still there, so I stopped and shot the bull with the guy some more for about an hour or so.

I headed on home, empty handed, but at least I know more about buying a live animal than I did.

Nice day.

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Getting Back To Work On the Old Trail

Sunday March 2, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Trail work

I’ve been too busy working on the old road to get much trail work done this winter, but today, I got my tools and rode the small quad runner up the narrow trail to where I had some trail work to do. quad2

I had to stop here  to kick that dirt pile out of the way so I could get by. There’s just barely enough room for the quad runner to use this trail.quad

I brough the chainsaw up to cut this log across the trail. I cranked and cranked but after a couple of pops, it wouldn’t start.log3

I figured the saw was likely flooded, so I walked up the trail a ways to this log and tried to get it going again, but no go.saw4

I wore myself out trying to start the chainsaw, so had to sit in this chair for a break.chair5

Once I was rested up, I walked out the trail until I got to this part that needed to be widened out a bit.trail6

I got that section done and sat down for another break.trao;7

I still had the section in front of the chair to do, so got to it.chair8

I had this bit of rock to move out of the way and I’d be done.rock9

It showered once for a few minutes, but not enough to get me wet under the trees.

I got that last rock moved and was done for the day.trail10

I wanted to cut that leaning tree out of the way, so I tried to start the chainsaw again, but I couldn’t even get a pop out of it.tree11

I was tired out after all the work, so I sat in this chair until almost dark, just enjoying the forest.chair12

I headed home for a nap, taking the dead chainsaw with me.

Nice day.

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