Rain Canceled, So I Did Some More Work On the Old Road

Saturday March 1, 2025 Guerneville CA.


The rain predicted for today was canceled so I headed on up into the hills to work on the old road some more. I moved more rock onto some wet soft spots and fixed a couple of ditches.

Hauling a load of rock down the road to fix a spot.rock1

Nice forest road

Even though hauling rock is a lot of work, the road is actually a real nice one in the forest, so it’s not so bad going up and down it hauling rock.gate2

A lot of the road is in real good shape. It’s only the lower part where all the water pops out of the ground when it rains real hard where the wet spot problems are.

Headed down a good section of the forest road.road3

Fueling up

I worked until the fuel gauge was getting close to empty and quit and went up to fuel up the rig.fuel4

The day wasn’t over, but I quit just the same.

I rocked this part of the road today. It was real muddy from a spring popping out on the road and getting things wet and muddy. Rock takes care of the problem.rocked5

The old road goes into the state park here as I headed for home.gatr6

I headed down into the state park where the redwood trees are the largest.park7

Back home, I took a short nap, then went out and chair hopped around the yard with the chickens. They are eager to get out into the front yard, so I opened the gate for them.chickens8

Nice day.

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Trying To Beat the Next Rains, Rocking the Old Road

Friday February 28, 2025 Guerneville Ca.

Park Kiosk

When I drove up through the state park today, I found this guy prepping the kiosk foundation. I’m sure they need to get this thing fixed up as soon  as possible. It was smashed by a truck about a week ago and needs to be replaced.worker1

Old road work

I made it up to my Skidder and started it up to warm up a bit.rigs2

I hauled some rock down to some wet spots. I get bored doing that, so I worked on fixing this ditch up a bitditch3

Once I got that ditch opened up, I filled up the crossing where the water was crossing as now I want it to go down that ditch and not cross the road as when it crosses the road, it falls down on the road below as the road switches back on itself and goes under this one to get down the steep  hill. The fill I used was a bit wet and soft so I had to haul some more rock to put on it.ditch4

Here’s me hauling rock down the road.roxk5

To the water crossing spot which I’m closing up.rock6

I finally got enough rock on the crossing, at least for now. I might have to put some more rock on it as it settles from the cars driving over it and packing it in.crossing7

I stopped here to take a break late in the day.dkiddy8

I drove on up the road. This section of the road is in good shape.road9

Here’s another section where a spring is popping out of the hillside. I didn’t get time to work on this section. If it doesn’t rain, I’ll get this one tomorrow.water10

The weather guys said it was going to rain tomorrow, but lately they said it might not. Time will tell. If it rains, things will get wet again, but I’m hoping it doesn’t rain as it slows down my progress making the road better.

I’m trying to get the road into good shape as the heavy rains have likely stopped and we are going into spring where it doesn’t usually rain so much and it’s easier to fix stuff when it dries out some.

Nice day.

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